Responsive Learning is an online learning platform for teachers to take professional development courses.
Problem: Responsive Learning's customer admin dashboard wasn't meeting the needs of their clients. The data it was displaying wasn't very helpful, and the information architecture was dysfunctional. The branding was also out of date. Additionally, the menu was difficult to navigate and it lacked traditional navigation conventions.
Solution: I worked with Responsive Learning's sales team to interview their key admins in order to figure out what information was the most helpful to them. We discovered that the most helpful feature for these users was tracking whether teachers had begun courses, and how many hours of courses had been applied.
I removed the information that wasn't as pertinent for the dashboard, restructured the menu, and designed a new "Order Overview" component that allowed administrators to track the information that was most important to them. 
I also created and applied a new brand style guide. Responsive Learning has started applying this style guide to all of their applications and marketing materials.
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